
Serving Peach, Crawford and Bibb Counties

The Georgia Legislature created the Georgia Accountability Court Program, 几项重要的刑事司法改革倡议之一,旨在为非暴力罪犯提供有效的替代判决,并减少该州的监狱人口. The stated objectives of the Accountability Court Program are to:

  • Take Georgia’s 问责法院 to scale;
  • Reduce incarceration rates;
  • Determine Accountability Court funding priorities;
  • Encourage adherence to standards; and
  • Save lives and restore families.

梅肯司法巡回法庭目前提供四个问责法庭项目:梅肯司法巡回法庭毒品法庭, Macon Judicial Circuit Mental Health Court , 梅肯司法巡回解决问题法院和梅肯司法巡回退伍军人待遇法院. 目前,这些法庭会议都是在梅肯进行的,而参与该项目的桃县居民必须有交通工具往返梅肯.

梅肯巡回司法问责法院的使命是通过促进戒酒,在司法系统内协调治疗和加强监督,加强公共安全, 守法的行为, 合规, and participation through prompt intervention. 其目标是通过为罪犯提供监禁之外的另一种选择,并通过采取具有成本效益的措施的综合努力,鼓励罪犯成为一个有生产力和守法的公民,从而降低再犯率. 那些违反计划条款并被终止计划的人可能面临撤销缓刑和监禁.


毒品法庭计划的主要目的是为滥用药物的罪犯提供一种替代监禁和/或社区监督部门承诺的康复方案. The program is a three-phase intervention program that involves individual, 家庭, and group counseling; frequent and random drug testing; frequent court appearances.

法院对顺从的行为给予奖励,对消极的行为施加制裁. 不遵守规则的参与者可能会被转移到项目的前一阶段, assigned community service work, or placed in temporary custody. 该计划的成功完成将导致收费从官方记录中清除.

毒品法庭计划的任务是减少滥用药物的罪犯的犯罪和再犯. 这个项目的好处是增加了这个社区股东的安全和保障, a reduction in the jail population, and reduction in the number of infants addicted to illegal drugs at birth.



梅肯司法巡回法院在经过验证的国家研究和项目模式的基础上建立了一个自愿精神健康法院,由尊敬的法官Verda M. 科尔文. 精神健康法庭为当事人提供寻求治疗以满足其精神健康需求的机会, while productively addressing associated legal problems.

精神健康法庭于2009年1月在高等法院法官菲利普·布朗的指导下成立. The court is a partnership between the Judge, 地方检察官, 司法部副部长, 缓刑, 执法, 治疗小组, Defense Counsel and the community. 这种治疗方案通常持续12到24个月,包括五个阶段.Participants are expected to take classes, 接受治疗, 并参与自助活动和治疗团队要求的任何其他必要的活动,以满足个人需求. 参与者定期接受药物测试,并为他们提供支持,使他们过上没有毒品和酒精的生活方式.

精神健康法庭方案承认那些被指控犯罪的人,其中精神疾病是一个重要的促成因素,其精神疾病可以治疗和稳定. Counties served include Bibb, Crawford and Peach. Potential clients must live in, 和/或在这些县有法律指控,并且必须有可靠的交通工具到梅肯.

精神健康法庭的设计不仅仅是为了影响参加这个项目的参与者的生活, 同时也要避免成本,提高安全性,并为当地社区提供有生产力的公民! Specific benefits include:

  • Remove clients from the county jail
  • 加强公共安全
  • 减少累犯
  • Reduce cost to the county
  • Rehabilitate residents of Peach, Crawford and Bibb Counties!


Parental Accountability Court

父母问责法院项目(PAC)是多个司法巡回法院之间合作伙伴关系的结果, the Administrative Office of the 法院 and the Georgia Department of 人类服务, Division of Child Support Services. PAC旨在解决使非监护父母难以支付子女抚养费的根本问题,同时为法官在民事藐视法庭案件中提供监禁以外的选择.

The Parental Accountability Court (PAC), formerly known as Problem Solving Court, 旨在消除导致无监护权父母(NCP)成为长期不支付子女抚养费的潜在问题. This program will provide an alternative to incarceration.

Once accepted into the program, and after consenting to the PAC Terms and Conditions, 参与者的角色是利用社区资源和劳动力培训志愿工作实现自给自足. Participants can do this by obtaining sustainable employment, and by removing chronic barriers such as education and transportation. They shall actively seek employment forty hours per week while unemployed. The participant shall complete the intake process, attend regular group sessions, meet with their Coordinator as specified, stay in 合规 with the service providers, and cooperate with DCSS. Completion of skills classes is required. Once gainfully employed, participants must make regular payment of child support obligations and arrears, 作为命令.

Participants receive many benefits that help them find employment. These include: driver license renewal assistance, vital records / documentation assistance, adult education referrals, no-cost vocational training opportunities, work opportunity internships, job search and resume writing, 最后, employer referrals for participants who complete intake and enter phase one.


Veterans Treatment Court

自愿退伍军人治疗法庭项目是高等法院之间的合作项目, 州法院, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, the 地方检察官’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, the Bibb County Sheriff’s Office, the 桃县 Sheriff’s Office, the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office, 比布县州法院缓刑部和乔治亚州社区监督部.

退伍军人法庭的目标是将刑事司法系统中的退伍军人与所需的服务联系起来,这些服务可能包括, 但不限于, substance abuse treatment, 创伤后应激障碍的治疗, 精神健康治疗和社区资源将改善退伍军人的生活,并消除进一步参与刑事司法系统.

退伍军人待遇法庭项目的任务是通过将退伍军人与退伍军人福利联系起来,加强公共安全,减少刑事被告的再犯, 治疗服务和支持,并考虑到被告的治疗需要和罪行的严重性,为他们的刑事指控找到适当的处置办法.
