Chief County Marshal's Office

The 桃县 Chief Marshal's Office serves as a resource on zoning, subdivision of property, development regulation and issues, population and socio-economic data, and similar material relating to the growth and development of 桃县.

The challenge for this department is to manage growth and change in both the short and the long term with regard to land use, 运输, historic preservation and overall development to create a positive environment that is productive and beneficial to all residents of 桃县.

Seven board members are appointed for staggered one- and two-year terms by the county commissioners.

To achieve their mission, the commissioners use the comprehensive plan, 分区条例, subdivision regulations, flood protection ordinance, street numbering ordinance, historic preservation ordinance, 签署法令, the 运输 improvement plan (TIP) and the 桃县 Geographical Information System (GIS).

Commission responsibilities include:

  • Comprehensive planning
  • Community development programs
  • Neighborhood and area plans
  • Intergovernmental coordination and policy analysis
  • Zoning and Variance Case administration
  • 解释, enforcement and amendments of zoning ordinances and sign control ordinances (overlay districts?)
  • Assignment of new street addresses
  • 允许 of signage
  • Review and approval of land subdivision plats

Community planning is a coordinated, continuous and comprehensive process. Careful planning promotes the vision of the county and provides an environment for orderly growth and development, creating opportunity for business and commercial activity and protection of natural, historical and cultural resources.

Building department contacts


Building Official/Inspector

Josh Scroggins


电子邮件- 约书亚






CC 检查




电子邮件- 检查


Please have the following information when scheduling an inspection:

1. 允许数量

2. Location including city

3. 检验类型

4. Residential or Commercial

5. 联系人姓名

6. 联系电话